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House of Shiloh supports and disciples single moms and their children,

laying foundations of Christ like character for future generations.

 House of Shiloh empowers single moms for success by providing supportive resources, mentors,

and training in crisis and beyond.

We provide a place of respite where single moms and their children can get away from the constant demands placed on them and receive tools that equip them for future success in marriage, parenting, business, ministry and relationships.

Brenda's Testimony

From The Founder

Like most little girls, I dreamed of growing up and having a family of my own just like my mom, grandma and great grandma did.

The reality of motherhood began when my newborn son was placed into my arms and there was at once an indescribable outpouring of love for this beautiful child, made in the image of God. The small, vulnerable baby boy was mine to love and care for and I was now responsible for raising up my son to know and love Jesus, and be the man of God he was created to be.

Many dreams were wrapped in this transition to motherhood. The Christian home I started with my husband was expanding as God gave us two daughters after our son. I was able to raise the 3 kids on a farm as a stay-at-home mom, the way my mom and grandmothers had done.

Fulfilling these dreams brought me so much joy. We worked together, we played together, we learned together, and we grew together. We were a close knit family, like the generations before us, dedicated to the Lord. With only one exception…there was a dark secret to our family’s story.

I never dreamed of my marriage failing. Divorce was never an option. I was not a fighter, but I fought so hard to hold my family together. They meant everything to me! My husband was unhappy and became angrier as the years went by. I prayed long and hard that he would see his family as a precious gift from God. However, the tension and abuse continued to escalate until we no longer felt safe in our home. The girls and I left to stay with a retired missionary couple from our church. At the time, our son was starting college and our daughters were 15& 13 years old. Our lives had been turned upside down.

After almost 25 years of marriage, I had to learn to juggle work, college, keeping up a home, sleep and time well spent raising my fragile daughters. The role of provider was on my shoulders and the weight of fear for my children’s well-being became an oppressive one. There were times I was angry at God. I had prayed for years that He would heal our family. He did, just not the way I wanted Him to.

The church we attended for years rejected the idea of a woman going through divorce, despite the dangerous circumstances. They had no support systems geared towards helping single moms. Now, I had lost both my husband, AND my church family. My children and I suffered so much hurt from that rejection.

Having lost my church family, I sought comradery and found it in a circle who, on weekends would go to the bar for fun. I found myself in situations that were counter to the examples I wanted to set for my children and made many mistakes at that time. My faith was challenged but, by the grace of God, I never strayed far from it.

I didn’t know how I was going to ever afford a house payment, or to be able to pay for appliances and car repairs, but God provided for us in miraculous ways so that I was able to own our home, and I never had to make a house payment. I started the path of education working towards a 4 year degree. However, with all the responsibilities of being a single mom, that degree took 14 years to complete! It took a long time, but God engineered it for me to graduate with my Bachelor’s Degree in nursing, debt free. All of this was possible because of His goodness, faithfulness, protection and provision.

This testimony is why The House of Shiloh exists. I know firsthand how difficult it can be, parenting alone, feeling alone, and without a support system. Now, I believe God has called me to create a support system for other single mothers. The path I started on didn’t end where I thought it would, but now, I know firsthand the wisdom that comes from lessons learned the hard way. God has given me the opportunity to pass that wisdom on to women and their children to strive for a strong relationship with their Heavenly Father. They too can experience God’s love, learn to forgive, find their identity in HIM, and be surrounded by likeminded women who love and support each other, rather than being judged or forgotten.

At House of Shiloh, we are that community....Please Join us!

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