The House of Shiloh: A House of Listening
Think about your house. Mentally walk around it. Go through the front doors that greet friends and family. Sit on the couches where people gather. Cook food in the kitchen. Sit at the dining table and have a meal. Lay in your bed. How does it feel?
Is it safe? Do you feel secure? If you do or don't, what is the cause of those feelings? Is it the structure? The cleanliness? The people who share it with you? What about your house makes you feel safe and secure?
However we feel about why a mother becomes single, the reality is that it's now a consistent pattern in our culture that they are. If you've been unfortunate to be one, you know how hard it is to feel safe and secure in your own home; especially when you barely have time to manage the self-care needed because of the demands of children who need to feel that way.
How can a single mom accurately teach their children to feel safe and secure when she has trouble feeling it herself?
The House of Shiloh, simply put, is the place where God dwells and He dwells with us; His hands and feet. We are a sisterhood of God fearing single moms dedicated to empowering each other and laying secure foundations for healthy mental and emotional character. Not just for moms, but the house the mom has to keep in order, which is a job God made for two.
We'd like to invite you to our house. We testify to the good fruit we do. Our bi-weekly teachings held in homes, churches, and parks creates a community. This network is actively connecting moms to resources that enrich their homes, lives, relationships, faith, and careers. We promise that it's a house where your compassion will be multiplied five thousand fold. We promise it's a House of Shiloh; a place to feel safe and secure.
Will you join us?
Will you be a part of this movement from God? Will you help the widowed and orphaned of our generation? Because there are plenty of rooms in this house and many hands make the work light. Can we start with prayer and then can we do the will of God by helping those in need? Can you imagine how much your own mom could have used the help of a person like you when you were under her care? Why not be that person to her today?
Thank you to all of you who are mentors, financial donors, prayer warriors, and volunteers that truck the Holy Spirit in your giving to us. We are so honored and grateful to have you spreading the word about this life changing house of single moms. Thank you for being a part of this house of worship where Jesus is present in a real and transformative way.
Get Involved
Spread the Word
House of Shiloh needs more hands and feet for those willing to share the love of God with these single moms and children:
~ Get your church plugged in! Start single mom's awareness or connect them with us.
~ Opportunities to serve:
~ Meals and childcare workers are needed for our bi-weekly meet ups
~ Mentors for the moms
~ Hosting events and classes
~ Love offerings for the moms and children
~ Monetary donations: Contributions go towards our building fund and the general costs of events; House of Shiloh is operating on a volunteer basis
~ Number One Request - Prayer Petitions: Please pray that God will guide us as we reach out to single moms and their children in our community. Please pray that the Holy Spirit would draw single moms and their children in so that we may establish relationships and introduce them to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ as they experience healing, restoration, and discipleship. Please pray for us to raise support for this ministry as we assist with providing meals, childcare, teaching materials, gift cards for food, clothing, & gas, and eventually acquisition of the physical house to host it all.
Thank you for donating your time and talents, recommending board members, offering monetarily, or hosting an event. Thank you for helping House of Shiloh better serve the widowed and orphaned in our communities.
Donate your time, money or resources